Venue Measurements

We often receive questions regarding the size of items in our venue. We thought you might find it helpful to have all of these measurements in one place!

Guest Tables

Twenty, 60 inch round tables are available for your use. These tables do require tablecloths and can comfortably seat 8-10 adults. If you want your tablecloths to reach the floor, choose 120 inch round tablecloths.

Service Tables

Two, 8 foot long and nine 6 foot long rectangular tables are available for your head table, buffet tables, DJ, gift table, etc. For head tables seating 8 – 12, we recommend the use of three tables. For 12 – 16 guests at your head table we recommend using four rectangle tables. In most situations we recommend using two rectangle tables for your buffet.

Hightop Tables

Five, 32 inch round tables are available for your use. They are 43 inches tall. These tables are ideal for the cocktail hour.

Cedar Arch

The arch is 8ft. tall and 7ft. wide

Cedar Cross

The cross is 9ft. tall and 6ft. wide

Folding White Wedding Chairs

The upgraded white wedding chairs at All4One Farm are standard size. The height of the chair is 30 inches tall.

Aisle length

If you are contemplating using a runner, we suggest a 65 foot long, at least three foot wide runner.


The barn is 72ft. by 37ft. with 10 poles on each side of the barn. The poles are 8ft. from the center of one pole to the center of the other.

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